It’s one week before Thanksgiving and that means the Christmas Season is upon us. All many of us think about is gifts, gifts, gifts. We want to make it just a little easier by offering you 25% off all apparel and 50% off all prints. We will also be giving you free shipping on all orders over $49. It’s the least we can do for giving us a very prosperous first year.
Speaking of our first year, it has been one of many surprises. When I first started this company, I never thought I would sell this many shirts. When I saw the 100th order come in, I was floored. I know in the grand scheme of everything that 100 orders is peanuts, but for a small company based in Pennsylvania, it’s an event. We have many new ideas hitting the sketch pads and we plan on releasing them in time for the 2016 season.
I’d like to take this time now to thank everyone who purchased a shirt from us during our first nine months in business. There were bumps here and there, but we worked them all out and plan on delivering an even more superior shirt in the coming months. I’d also like to give a shout out to Jason Koza who took the time to sketch out the first six prints available in our online store and they came out amazing! I originally hired him to create these sketches so I could use them as giveaways for Bottom 9, but when they arrived here at the office, there was no way I could part with them. Do yourself a favor and check him out ( and pick up on of his great pieces of art.
I love the game of baseball. Bottom 9 Clothing was started to give me the creative freedom I needed to print the shirts I always wanted to wear and to let everyone know what the greatest game ever created was. My goal is to make this a household brand in the years to come and I hope you can come along for the ride. Play ball!